Thursday, February 11, 2010


If we all did the thngs we are capable of, we would astound ourselves.

**Thomas Edison**

Often times we limit our own strengths and capabilities by doubting one's own self. We fear the unknown. The question looms in our minds, "What if something goes wrong or turns out far from what I imagined?" No one wants to be disappointed when we strive and hope for positive outcomes. With that, we limit our true potential. There is so much we can accomplish if we set our minds to it. We must always think positively, and when something doesn't turn out the way we wanted then make the best out it. Try, try again. NEVER give up on one's self. You are your biggest critic, yet no one on this earth can be as happier and love yourself more than you! Aim high for your goals, take baby steps if needed, and build up to that great accomplishment or task set forth.

*put God first and witness how far he takes you, how much he blesses you*

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Moving Forward

To reach a port we must sail, sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it. But we must not drift or lie at anchor. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes~

**this quote was sent to me from my best friend. I felt it was truly inspirational. thanks girly!!!**

We all try our best to plan our lifes' paths. Whether it be planning on what to do the next day or plan your life 5 years from now. After we plan, we take steps to accomplish what it is we set out for. However, there are times when things don't happen the way we thought it would. Obstacles seem to come out of nowhere, and sometimes we let that hinder our steps forward. The port we must sail can be a goal, dream, it can even be the desire to work on one's own inner being. We strive and hope that we are able to reach that port with ease. At times it may be easy when the wind(family, friends, financial status) is helping us along with encouragement. When the wind is against us (discouragement, setbacks, personal disappointments) it makes it that much harder to make significant progress; but to let those setbacks and disappointments take your mind and eyes off of our destination we allow our lives to become still. How can we move forward by standing still? Do not drift; drifting may take you places you have no knowledge or somewhere you don't want to be. Don't cast your anchor in the middle of the passage; but keep pushing and fighting forward until you have reached your destination.

*with God on our side, we can accomplish anything*